This catalog was my most long-standing project I would say. It started with me when I began my journey with web development. From learning about API requests to adding user authentication, this site has some pretty cool features.
Firstly, I utilized Create-React-App to get started with a fresh react app. From there, I started creating some of the components for the UI layout, and then began fetching my data..
For my meal data, I leveraged TheMealDB to fetch meal data from all different kinds of categories. I started out only generating random meals with the meal generator, but as my learnings expanded, I figured out how to browse through specific categories and meal ID #s. My user authentication is handled through Auth0.
Like many of my other projects, I was juggling multiple unfamiliar technologies, and learning as I went along the way. One area of struggle for me was setting up the search by meal ID # function. Overall it was definitely an enriching experience.